Wednesday, November 12, 2008

sweet n luvly suprise

this is my favorite photo... sweet rite. we n roses. on Monday we go to celebrate our luvly mom.. give her roses, card, our family photo n a beg as a gift from us... but today i'm so sad... she leave us, i mean becoz today is the last day she at segamat... for her last semester. so laugh together, we cry together... my "sibling" crying especially my adik, sara... huhuhu... but i know we so cute when we cry... hahaha... life must go on... i've 3 more final paper, so what must i do now is struggle for my next paper.. deep in my heart we luv u so much mom!!! mmmuahh.... :)

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Trip to mY homEtowN

last month, we go to muar. my hometown. we go to sawah... huhuhu... seronok sangat.. this is our memory, i luv u all very much.. tomorrow we'll go to gunung Ledang... huhuhu... x sabaR!!!

Friday, October 10, 2008

my family..

at collage, i also have a family.. I've mama, kak long, kak ngah, me and adik... so sweet right?, huhuhu, just wanna say that i love them so much.
This picture has been taken this semester, we go to beach together at meLaka and we have a great time. I'm enjoy it!

my greaT sistEr

last tuesday, there is a Malam Bintang Gemilang at DST.. the event is so great... although i'm not go... huhuhu, becoz i'm not dL. but i hope n i wish that i will dL this semester... amin... my sisteR eyna, everytime dL, i'm jealous with her... but anyway, she always support me. she is a great sisteR! also sweet sis... at that nite she wear my favorite color... luv heR so mucH... and this relationship will never end!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

juSt wanT to say... This biG faT panDa is like my BesTfreNz siTi saLwa saHmad.hahaha... saLwa jangan maRa ey, nnt kene juaL...

scaRy moVie..

exam is behind me.... That's so scary.. a lot of tesT his week and next week. hopE i can performe the beSt.. Hope so,.. Final start 31.. huhuhu.. i wisH for all gud luck in uR teSt and fiNal eXam!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

gReat pLan for a GreaT BirthdaY parTy

What now??? huhuhuhu.... Tomorrow 20th sePtembeR 08, is Anna's BoyfrenZ biRthdaY... We pLan to Make a suprise foR him... What suPrise?

the pLan is.... aNna, another 2 freNzand I, go ouTing to SegamaT toWn.... Then whEn clock neAr 6.30 pm also neAr to "berbuke" from fasting..... I call him and Said," We all accident, uR gIrlfrenZ is injured(nervous..) TheN, birThday boY will go to HospiTal SegaMat, ..... nExt on thE Way go to hoSpiTal... I call him aGain... Then i said," Please buy a fruits or someting that uR girLfrenZ can eaT, beCoz she "kne taHan" at waD.... THen, he will drive to IOI(banDar PutRa), and give him a biG shoCk that his girlfreNz, "maSih hiDup laGi"... hahaha... I can't wait for tommoroW. Want to look his nervouSe faCe.... I hoPe thiS plan will success!!! HaPPy biRthdaY mY preZ.

neW sTartiNg....

Huhuhu... at last... I can open my blog... This is the first time i write.. erm.... Dunno what to write.. how abouT ghoSt at blocK Ilmuan... What the story???

Once upon a TimE... THere is a guaRd reaLLy "sYok" with beauTiful lecturer. But she not accept the guaRd,( mayBe becoz she have already steady boYfrenZ...) then..................................

The guard suicide.... bunuh diRi???... AstagfiRuAllah... tHEN THE GUArD BECOMe A GhOST... iS it scarE u??? iT scare Me a loT!!! I hope I never meet him..... huhu.

This stoRy i get from My frenz.... She told me, this story is before i regiSter at UiTM SegamAt...

For studenT UiTM SegaMat, always be aware because you'll never walk alone!!!! hu...................