Thursday, September 18, 2008

gReat pLan for a GreaT BirthdaY parTy

What now??? huhuhuhu.... Tomorrow 20th sePtembeR 08, is Anna's BoyfrenZ biRthdaY... We pLan to Make a suprise foR him... What suPrise?

the pLan is.... aNna, another 2 freNzand I, go ouTing to SegamaT toWn.... Then whEn clock neAr 6.30 pm also neAr to "berbuke" from fasting..... I call him and Said," We all accident, uR gIrlfrenZ is injured(nervous..) TheN, birThday boY will go to HospiTal SegaMat, ..... nExt on thE Way go to hoSpiTal... I call him aGain... Then i said," Please buy a fruits or someting that uR girLfrenZ can eaT, beCoz she "kne taHan" at waD.... THen, he will drive to IOI(banDar PutRa), and give him a biG shoCk that his girlfreNz, "maSih hiDup laGi"... hahaha... I can't wait for tommoroW. Want to look his nervouSe faCe.... I hoPe thiS plan will success!!! HaPPy biRthdaY mY preZ.

neW sTartiNg....

Huhuhu... at last... I can open my blog... This is the first time i write.. erm.... Dunno what to write.. how abouT ghoSt at blocK Ilmuan... What the story???

Once upon a TimE... THere is a guaRd reaLLy "sYok" with beauTiful lecturer. But she not accept the guaRd,( mayBe becoz she have already steady boYfrenZ...) then..................................

The guard suicide.... bunuh diRi???... AstagfiRuAllah... tHEN THE GUArD BECOMe A GhOST... iS it scarE u??? iT scare Me a loT!!! I hope I never meet him..... huhu.

This stoRy i get from My frenz.... She told me, this story is before i regiSter at UiTM SegamAt...

For studenT UiTM SegaMat, always be aware because you'll never walk alone!!!! hu...................